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Second Annual Give Back Bash

Doghouse & Drysdales Give Back Bash

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The1st annual “Double D Give Back Bash” is designed to support worthycauses in Northern Kentucky and is a way for both The Drysdales and Doghouse togive back to the community that has supported them over the years. Wehope to make this an annual event, but only “you” will dictate the progressionof this event based on “your support”! Thisyear’s recipients are Max Bishop and Shawn Schwarz. Pleaseread below to learn more about each recipient. Max’sstory:
Max was diagnosed with a rare bone marrow failureillness called severe aplastic anemia (SAA) for which he received a bone marrowtransplant (BMT) in April 2007 when he was 8 years old. He is seen everyyear for BMT follow-up visits and this year during his visit on April 10, 2015his blood tests showed some critically low results. He was followed veryclosely over the spring and summer months but his condition continued todeteriorate it was determined that his SAA was back and he would need anotherbone marrow transplant which took place September 16, 2015. Max’s youngerbrother Anthony was his donor for both transplants which took place atCincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC). Aplastic anemia is a disease in which the bonemarrow does not make enough blood cells for the body. The 3 types of bloodcells your body needs are: red blood cells (to carry oxygen), white blood cells(to fight infection), and platelets (to control bleeding). When all 3 types ofblood cells are very low in number, the person has severe aplastic anemia(SAA). Aplastic anemia is rare. In the United States, about 600-900people are diagnosed each year, according to the Aplastic Anemia and MDSInternational Foundation. Aplastic anemia occurs more frequently in eastern Asiancountries. It can affect people of any age, but it is most common in youngadults. For most cases, the cause is unknown. There are some rare inheriteddiseases, such as Fanconi anemia, where SAA can develop over time in somepatients. The cause of Max’s SAA diagnosis is unknown. Max would like to donate the proceeds toCincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Shawn’sstory: June17th of this year, I went for my yearly mammogram and mentioned a lump inmy right breast during a routine self-breast exam. The technician encouraged meto request a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound from my doctor. Thefollowing week on Monday June 22nd I was diagnosed with Grade 2 DCIS invasiveductile carcinoma. After several weeks of tests, we were given the newsthat my cancer was hormone driven but that my recurrence was only 4%. Mydoctor said I was like getting an A++ on a research paper and that I was theperfect candidate for a lumpectomy. However, he gave me the option of adouble mastectomy if I felt it necessary to alleviate any opportunity for thecancer to come back. After much thought and prayer, I decided to go withthe lumpectomy and ovary removal. September 2nd I underwent mylumpectomy, removal of my ovary and a sentinel node biopsy ( this was to makesure my cancer had not spread to my lymph nodes). My doctor was very confidentthat he got all the cancer. We received the news that my nodes were cleanthe following week and that I would not need chemo. I begin radiation TuesdaySept. 29th. It will be every day for 4 weeks. This is to ensure that allany cancer cells that might have been missed are killed. I have chosen to give to the Holbrook-Minning Fund through the St. ElizabethFoundation in honor of Kate Geiger. Kate died from breast cancer when shewas just 54. She was an active member of St. Phillip and a graduate ofBishop Brossart High School. For the last 9 years, St. Phillip healthministry and St. Elizabeth sponsor a walk at Pendry Park in honor of Kate andall those who battle breast cancer every year. St. Henry Cross Countryparticipates in this walk as their team’s service project and encourages thestudent body to do the same. My family and I participate in the walkevery year, and we walk in memory of my grandma, who died of cancer when I was16. The money raised goes will provide financial assistance to all cancerpatients. The funds are used to assist with expenses such as medicationcoverage, groceries, gasoline cards, utility bills, etc.
Please join us for a night of fun andmusic, all to support Max, Shawn and the foundations that have supported them!
Date: November, 28, 2015
Place: The Madison, Covington
Buy Tickets on-line ($15; $25 the nightof the event, if not sold out):
Time: 7:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. (doors open at 7:00 p.m.; bands start at 9:00 p.m.)
Great friends and great music –supporting great causes!
See you there and god bless!
Doghouseand The Drysdales!

Madison Theater - Covington

Madison Theater - Covington - facebook

730 Madison Ave.

Covington, KY 41011
