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 The Belle and The Bear

The Belle and The Bear Web Site

 8:30 - 12:30

Visitors: 20014
Visits: 37940

 Who Rocks?  ...


Chris Ric Tim Dick
Jim 'Bobby' Oaks

Instruments: Camera, Lights, Sound.

Influences: AC/DC, Judas Priest, Randy Rhodes, Hank Williams Jr, Kid Rock, Ansel Adams, Bill Gates, Homer Simpson, and Beer.

History: Jim was born in Cincinnati but raised in Hebron KY. He had a very stable childhood while going to Goodridge Elementary, and Conner Jr and Sr High schools. That is where he met and started hanging out with Dick Stewart. From the early days of carrying his HUGE Peavy amp and Aria Pro II guitar out of the Pizza + in Union he has been a part of the band. Whichever band Dick decided to play in. Fun Days. Passing the hat for donations, more family than anything else but it was great.

   Right after graduating from High school he decided to join the US Army for a couple of years that stretched into 20. Name a place and he has been there. Germany, Korea, Egypt, Thailand, Brazil, Japan, every country in Europe, China, Greenland, Newfoundland, Philippines, every continent on the globe except Antarctica, anyway you get the picture. After jumping out of too many planes and helicopters, excessive globe trotting, beer drinking, women chasing and site seeing he decided to get back to where he came from, the Cincy area is one of the best kept secrets in the world, and get back with some old friends. Retiring from the military in 2003 he vowed never to work again and lives up to that promise even today.

   Married more than once but currently single, Jim has 2 children that he loves more than anything, Amber 21, and Jimmy 18, that he knows about. Starting college this fall he plans to become a Computer Electrical Engineer at the Northern KY Univ and then not work after that. Being a professional student for about 10 years sounds good. His biggest complaint since changing his lifestyle, I have too many hobbies.


 - Canon Rebel Digital SLR, Canon EFS 18-55 mm, Canon EFS 80-200 mm, Aiptek DV 3100+,Canon Speedlite 420EX, Flashtrax 40GB

-Band:AC DC, Judas Priest, Alabama, Ozzy, Doghouse
-Least Favorite Band:Anything even distantly related to Disco
-Solo Artists:Kenny Wayne Sheppard, Elvis, Hank Williams Jr, Whitney Houston
-Obscure Artist or Band:Ansel Adams
-Albums:Judas Priest Screaming for Vengeance , AC DC Back in Black, Black Sabbath We Sold Our Souls for Rock –n- Roll
-Last good CD bought :I don’t buy them, I download them illegally and burn them to disk as needed Velvet Revolver
-The Last CD that you wish you hadn't bought/stole:Good Charlotte
-Radio Stations:WEBN, but WAAAAAY to much Metallica
-Vacation Spots:A beach in Spain that I barely remember due to an alcohol induced fog
-Foods:Peanut butter
-Non alcoholic drink:Is there anything better than Diet Mountain Dew??? NO
-Alcoholic Drinks:Long Island Ice Tea
-When was the last time you puked from drinking?:November 10 2003, My Army Retirement Party/td>
-What had you been drinking?:I tried to drink all the alcohol in Korea
-Movies:Cool Hand Luke
-Books:Anything written by the former Robert Howard
-TV Shows:Law and Order
-Video Game:Wizard of Wor (Old Skool) , Halo 1/2 and
-Athelete:Pete Rose , Babe Ruth, Anthony Munoz
-My list (No spousal repercussions here…):
Alyssia Milano
Valerie Bertonelli
Nicole Kidman
Whitney Houston, prior to UGLY Bobby Brown
The Swedish Bikini Team
-Golf Courses:Waste of time
-Sports:Pro football, and College Basketball
-Sports teams:Bengals, KC Chiefs, Reds, UK Wildcats and any team Shaq is on
-Hobbies:Anything with technology or electronics, cars (when I have a garage to work in), my dog, My kids, Photography, Video, bike riding
-Quotes:"Pop Smoke", (you would have to be in the Army to understand)
-Bars :I actually can’t stand bars
-Actors/Actresses:Whitney Houston prior to hooking up with Bobby Brown, Charleton Heston, wasn’t he great in all those Cecil B. DeMille films
-Cartoon Character:Ren and Stimpy , ATHF
-People you wouldn’t care got hit by a bus :Bobby Brown, Rosie O’Donnell


One of these days I want to:
- Not work anymore. Darn, done that.
- Own a garage with an attached house.
- Take a nap whenever I feel like it. Done that too.
- Visit the South Pole.
- Travel Europe extensively. Mark that one off also.
- See my daughter and son….happy and content.
- Jump out of an Airplane, helicopter, or off of a bridge. Been there, done that.
- Cure Discoid Lupus.
- Play the Saxophone.
- Continue to raise my tally…168 and counting.

    Band Bios Bob