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 The Belle and The Bear

The Belle and The Bear Web Site

 8:30 - 12:30

Visitors: 20014
Visits: 37940

 Who Rocks?  ...


Chris Ric Tim Dick
Dick Stewart

Instruments: Guitar, Vocals.

Nickname: Dickie Ticket

Influences: SRV, Allman Brothers, Iron Maiden, Joe Satriani, and Beer.  Favorite band is Aerosmith.

History: Dick has been playing guitar since 1979, and one of these days, he'll learn how to play.  He's been in bands since high school, starting with H.P. Lovecraft.  He started with classic rock but then went through his metal days in the 80's, only to return to classic rock and Blues.

   He's grown up and spent his entire life in the Northern Kentucky area, except for spening a couple years in Columbia, SC going to school there - Go Cocks!


   When the band started, Dick was the only one in the band who didn't graduate from Covington Catholic. He graduated from Conner, class of '83. When Tommy left the band, the Conner graduates had a bigger percentage.

   Happily married with 3 wonderful, young kids, Dick plays music on the side for fun and beer, although he has been known to do a shot or two on occasion (aka Yak).

   He also spends time running, beating Ric at basketball, and beating Ric at golf.

Dick also spends (way too much) time being the web master for the web site.

   He got his nickname on a cold December day in 1982, when he and two friends were going to a Black Sabbath concert, had parked in Covington, walked half way across the Suspension Bridge in 3 inches of fresh snow, when he stopped them and said, "We better go back." "Why?!", they screamed. "I forgot the tickets.", he replied. "Then go back to the car and get them.", they demanded. "They're not in the car, they're at home (20 miles away)." But it's nice to see that Dick hasn't changed, going to Ozzfest 23 years later, he forgot his ticket to see Black Sabbath again. Thank God for printing tickets from the Internet!


- Charvel
- Fender Strat
- Gibson Les Paul.
- and most recently added Schecter C-1 E/A.
- Peavey JSX 212 combo, nothing but tube with 3 separate channels
- Johnson Millennium stereo tube preamp amplifier (used for extra speakers and to power the talkbox)
- Ibanez Tube Screamer TS9 (with the brown chip added).
- Dunlop Crybaby.
- Heil Talkbox (for the Frampton in all of us).
- The Johnson has everything else.
- GHS Boomers, .010 and sometimes CL for the Les Paul.

-Band:Aerosmith (the hard stuff)
-Ice-cream flavor:Vanilla
-Color:Dark Blue
-Season:Summer! (if it's not 90 degrees then it's cold)
-Albums:Toys in the Attic (Aerosmith), Texas Flood (SRV), Surfing With the Alien (Joe Satriani), Deguello (ZZ Top), Hittin' the Note (Allman Brothers)
-Radio Stations:WTUE (Dayton) ....Cincy radio sucks!
-Vacation Spots:In the mountains.
-Foods:Pizza (pepperoni only PLEASE!).
-Snacks:Popcorn, Peanut M&Ms.
-Dessert:Chocolate chip cookies (if they're there, I'll eat them all)
-Non alcoholic drink:Mountain Dew.
-Alcoholic Drinks:Beer! (no liquor for me thanks.)
-Beer:New Castle, Coors (not Coors Light), Killian's
-Super Hero:The Flash
-Movies:Lord of the Rings
-Books:Lord of the Rings
-TV Shows:ESPN, Looney Tunes, Sponge Bob Square Pants
-Video Game:Asteroids, Diablo (there can be only one)
-Sports:Basketball & Women's Mud wrestling
-Athelete:Micheal Jordan
-Pastime:Golf (sorry Ric, it's not a sport)
-Golf Courses:Grayhawk (Scottsdale, AZ), Old Silo (Mt. Sterling, KY), Gibson Bay (Richmond, KY)
-Sports teams:South Carolina Gamecocks college sports (Go Cocks!), Bengals, Reds, and Da Bulls
-Quotes:"I'm not oppressing you, Stan, you haven't got a womb! Where's the fetus gonna gestate? You gonna keep it in a box?" (Monty Python)
"I like that boulder, that is a nice boulder." (Donkey from Shrek)

One of these days I want to:
- Go to Europe, especially Ireland.
- Shoot under par for 18 holes on a good course.
- Hike up a real mountain.
- Play guitar in a band on stage at Riverbend... in front of a crowd.
- Go to Australia.
- Meet Aerosmith.
- Have my family understand how much I love them.
- Get a Matchless amp.
    Band Bios Bob